Effective immediately - This program is ONLY for people working that have a job history of MORE than 3 months. At least 14 weeks’ pay stubs will be required for an appointment.
This kind of appointment counts as a regular financial assistance appointment.
All adults in the household must meet every month for six months with BFIA assigned staff and then quarterly for the remainder of the first year if all is going well with their finances.
All adults must either be working or actively seeking a job. One may be working although those not working will be required to meet weekly with BFIA assigned staff to get support with their job search. A job must be secured immediately upon beginning the deposits program.
If a client chooses to participate in this program, that client can only be seen by the client services coordinator or the director for one year following their deposit appointment.
This includes commodities because these clients will be meeting monthly with the Client Services Coordinator or the Director only. Commodities will be handled during that appointment only.
Failure to comply with the Client Deposit Program guidelines will result in permanent ineligibility for further financial assistance from BFIA.