Bristol Faith In Action assists the people of Bristol VA and TN, Blountville and Bluff City by preventing disconnection of utilities, avoiding eviction, getting prescriptions, and providing commodities as available.
Please contact our office if you, your church or organization would like to learn more about Bristol Faith In Action.
Adoration Church of God
Addington Memorial UMC
Anchor Baptist
Antioch Baptist
Avoca Christian
Belle Meadows Baptist
Blountville UMC
Bradley Street Baptist
The Bridge Assembly of God
Calvary Baptist
Celebration Church
Central Christian
Central Presbyterian
Cross Park Church Assembly of God
Cold Spring Presbyterian
Common Ground Fellowship
Communion Fellowship
Deck Valley Ind. Baptist
Discovery Church
Emmanuel Episcopal
East Bristol Baptist
East Bristol Free Will Baptist
Eastern Heights Presbyterian
Edgemont Presbyterian Church
Euclid Avenue Baptist
Faith Lutheran
Faith Baptist
First Baptist First Free Will Baptist
First Christian
First Christian of Bluff City
Fellowship Chapel
Freedom Churches
Full Gospel Fellowship Church
First Presbyterian
Gethsemane Baptist
Grace Bible Church
Highlands Fellowship
Holston Valley Christian
Kingsway Baptist
Liberty Baptist
Lynwood Bible Church
Mary Chapel UMC
Marthina Memorial
Mount Baptist
McIver Memorial Presbyterian
Mt. Carmel Gospel
New Grace Baptist
​Paperville UMC
Reynold’s Memorial UMC
Redeemer Lutheran
Shiloh Free Will Baptist
St. Anne Catholic Church
State Street UMC
Sugar Grove Baptist
Trinity UMC
Virginia Avenue Baptist
Victory Baptist
Walnut Hill Presbyterian
Woodlawn Baptist
West Hills Christian
Weaver Union Church
"For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead."
James 2:26